Madeleine Hu, M.D, Ph.D.
Graduate Student - MD/PhD program
B.S., Biology - The College of New Jersey
Ph.D., Mucosal Immunology - Rutgers University, New Jersey Medical School
American Gastroenterological Association, Trainee Member
AGA Digestive Disease Week Basic Science Travel Award, 2018
FASEB SRC GI Conference Poster Award, 2019
NJMS Faculty Organization Outstanding MD/PhD Student Award, 2020
Stanley S. Bergen, Jr., M.D., Medal of Excellence, 2020
Hu MD, Edelblum KL; Sentinels at the Frontline: the Role of Intraepithelial lymphocytes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Current Pharmacology Reports 3(6):321-334, 2017
Hu MD, Jia L, Edelblum KL; Policing the intestinal epithelial barrier: innate immune functions of intraepithelial lymphocytes. Current Pathobiology Reports. 2018 Mar;6(1):35-46.
Pearce SC, Al-Jawadi A, Kishida K, Yu S, Hu MD, Fritzky LF, Edelblum KL, Gao N, Ferraris RP; Marked differences in tight junction composition and macromolecular permeability among different intestinal cell types. BMC Biology. 2018 Feb 1;16(1):19.
Hu MD, Ethridge AD, Lipstein R, Kumar S, Wang Y, Jabri B, Turner JR, Edelblum KL; Epithelial IL-15 is a critical regulator of gd intraepithelial lymphocyte migration within the intestinal mucosa. J Immunol. 2018 Jul 15;201(2):747-756.
Hu MD, Golovchenko NB, Burns GL, Nair PM, Kelly TJ, Agos J, Irani MZ, Soh WS, Zeglinski MR, Lemenze A, Bonder EM, Sandrock I, Prinz I, Granville DJ, Keely S, Watson AJM, Edelblum KL; gd intraepithelial lymphocytes facilitate pathological epithelial cell shedding via CD103-mediated granzyme release. Gastroenterology. 2022 Mar;162(3):877-889
Funding Support
NIH T32 AI125185 and F30 DK121391